We are often asked which activity is best.  Of course the answer depends on who is asking the question and in part the time of year.  Whilst we have often said gorge scrambling is most people’s favourite, over the last few years more and more people have gone for shooting each other with arrows.  Tag Archery is fast increasing in popularity and seems unspoiled  by weather and never fails at putting a smile on the faces of the participants.  There seems to be the right mix of suspense and excitement as you wonder if they will shoot you before you shoot them.

The Three Archertiers
A bit of ready aim fire practice makes for a good shoot out.

So how is Tag Archery played?

Tag Archery games vary in detail but essentially you win by shooting other members of your group.  Popular games include shoot the stag (or hen), Bulldog, and hunt the flag.  It’s better than paint ball because you don’t get bruised by plastic paint pellets.  The arrows are very padded so in summer you can wear shorts and T shirt and in winter you can wrap up warm.  Eye protection is worn as a precaution but apart from that specialist clothing is not required.

Tag archery
Each team makes a grab for as many arrows as they can get.




This is what we do.

The session usually starts with a bit of practice at fixed targets with pointy arrows.  This gets people into being able to load and shoot the bows without too much faffing about.  You can also get a good idea of who to have on your team (aka the best shots).  Then we move to the tag games.  There is the classic Shoot the Stag or Hen.  The straight duel; five paces turn and fire and then there’s Bulldog which gets everyone warm.   We also have team games where old scores can be settled or alliances made.

Are you in The Matrix?

Tag Archery Lake District
Shooting it out team building with tag archery in The Lakes

Well I don’t really know about that but we do get some incredible hits, some arrows plucked out of the air and really cool dodging.  You might not be in The Matrix but Tag Archery is a fast moving exciting game.  We think you will love it.